Crop management

How will you water your crop?
Plenty of water is vital for healthy growth and cropping. When a vegetable is short of water it stops growing and often starts to produce seeds prematurely (bolting) - or just dies.
For healthy, strong growth and the highest yields, your kale will need a constant supply of water at the roots. The aim should be to keep the soil or compost evenly moist.
Seeds and seedlings are the most critical stages for many plants, so make sure seedbeds and seeds sown are kept moist while plants are establishing.
Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation can help you use water efficiently. Drip irrigation systems:
- Uses less water as the water from the pipe goes directly to the plant roots. Water is not wasted on weeds.
- Plants do not get wet.
- Once the drip lines are laid, you just have to turn on the tap when you want to water.
To get a drip irrigation system of your own, call SunCulture on +254 700 327 002. You can also go to their website to get a quote:
Weed your field 2-3 weeks after transplanting. Weed with care using a jembe to avoid damage to the roots. Weeds compete for nutrients with your crop and also hide pests which carry diseases.
After weeding, top-dress with a Nitrogen fertilizer. This will encourage formation of more leaves.
Apply fertilizers like Mavuno Topdressing N.P.K 26.0.0 or CAN. You need 50kg per acre.
Foliar Feeds
Based on what is lacking in your soil and various crop demands, you may need to apply foliar feed for a bigger harvest. The type of foliar feed to use depends on the stage of the crop and what the crop needs. For example:
- Easygro Starter (N.P.K 18:20:21 + T.E): Well balanced foliar feed with high phosphorous and potassium contents hence enables seedlings develop strong rooting system.
- Easygro Vegetative (N.P.K 27:10:16 + T.E): Fertilizer with high Nitrogen is recommended during the vegetative phase. Spray after every harvest at an interval 2 weeks.