
It is normal for up to 1% of your chicks to die in the first week. More than that, you may have a problem, such as a disease. Diseases such as Newcastle Disease and Gumboro have no cure. All of your chicken may die very quickly. Vaccinate your chicken to stop diseases.
Newcastle disease (NCD) signs and symptoms:

Vaccinate for NCD at 7 and 21 days: Put 1 drop of vaccine into the bird’s eye or nostril. Wait for it to blink or breathe it in. Buy the vaccine from agrovets. The vaccine is called Avivax in Kenya and Temevac in Tanzania. 1 vial of vaccine does 50 birds. Vaccinate every 3 months.
Gumboro signs and symptoms
Take a dead chicken to the vet to skin. If there are bloodstains, your chicken died of Gumboro.

Vaccinate for Gumboro at 10 and 14 days: Mix the vaccine with the chicken drinking water. Do not give the chicken water for 1-2 hours before vaccinating. They will be thirsty and so will drink the vaccine.